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Our Q-Switched ND YAG tattoo removal laser is a cutting-edge technology designed to effectively remove tattoos. If you're considering tattoo removal, here's how our treatment works and what you can expect.



What it Does: Our Q-Switched ND YAG laser targets and breaks down tattoo ink pigment into smaller particles. This process allows the body's natural immune system to gradually eliminate the tattoo ink, resulting in fading and removal of the tattoo.



How it Works: The laser emits short pulses of high-energy light that penetrate the skin without harming the surrounding tissue. This light is absorbed by the tattoo pigment, causing it to fragment into smaller particles that can be naturally cleared away by the body.


Number of Sessions Needed: The number of sessions required depends on various factors such as tattoo size, ink colours, and depth. Typically, multiple sessions are needed spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. We'll assess your tattoo during a consultation and Patch Test to provide a personalised treatment plan.



Is it Painful? Most patients experience some discomfort during the procedure, often described as similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin. However, we can apply numbing cream to minimise discomfort and ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

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